RFB 19-16: Infinidat Storage Expansion

Request for Bids

BID #19-16, Infinidat Storage Expansion

Bid Due Date: Thursday, April 18,  2019 by 2:00 p.m.

Mail or deliver to:

City Clerk’s Office 455 North Rexford Drive, Room 290 Beverly Hills, CA 90210.

Sealed Bids will be received at all times during normal business hours prior to the Bid Opening.

All bids must be in writing and must contain an original signature by an authorized officer of the firm. Electronic bids (i.e., telephonic, FAX, etc.) are NOT acceptable.

All bids shall clearly contain on the outside of the sealed envelope in which they are submitted:

BID #19-16, Infinidat Storage Expansion

To ensure notification and bid updates please forward your email address for bidders list to:

Nicole McClinton (310) 285-2597 | nmcclinton@beverlyhills.org

Anne Salvatore (310) 288-2891 | asalvatore@beverlyhills.org

Bid #19-16- Infinidat Storage Expansion